Stay calm.Calling 911
Answer questions.
Follow directions.

Paying attention to these simple guidelines when calling for aid will help emergency crews respond more quickly and effectively.

When you call 911, the 911 dispatcher will transfer you to an Acadian Ambulance dispatcher, if your emergency requires medical attention and/or ambulance transport. Acadian dispatchers are specially trained medical professionals, who are EMD certified to give vital self-help instructions over the phone.

If your emergency requires an ambulance, the unit is dispatched as soon as you give the dispatcher your location.


Here’s what you need to know when placing an emergency call:

  • Stay calm. The dispatcher understands the urgency of the situation. If you get excited, you’re likely to miss questions or instructions.
  • Know where you are. Provide your exact address and phone number. If you don’t know the address, use well-known landmarks to describe your location. Even if emergency crews have responded before, the dispatcher still needs for you to provide the location and address.
  • Answer all questions. These do not delay the response. If your emergency requires an ambulance, then emergency crews are dispatched immediately, while you are on the phone. If the dispatcher gives you medical self-help directions, follow them exactly. If you don’t understand what you are being asked to do, ask for clarification.
  • Do not hang up. Stay on the phone until the dispatcher releases the line and give a good callback number in case the dispatcher needs to callback for any reason, such as clarification of directions to the location. If possible, send someone outside to meet the ambulance when they arrive at the location.

Finally, make sure you have prepared your family for an emergency. Learn to recognize a medical emergency and know when to call for help. Keep your family’s medical records handy and up-to-date.

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